Imagine clouds clearing in your life…with words, not Prozac. A new philosophy has been developed to end anxiety and power you with a new mental framework to grapple with today’s ridiculously hectic and dizzying world.

The backbone of this philosophy is embodied in a book, which is now available on How to Be Courageous. The working sub-title of the book is “Secrets of the Indefatigable Warrior.” It’s a relatively short book, a true primer, designed to be read over and over, dog-earing the pages and scribbling notes in the margins. It can easily be read one weekend afternoon. The book assimilates the format of Buddhism, a successful philosophy for 2500 years, with the demands of today’s world, where, to survive, the number one virtue to possess is courage. This new philosophy succeeds now where the old teaching is seemingly workable only to a secluded monk on a mountaintop. This new teaching is not the old-worn flowery mind/body/spirit philosophy or website. 

For now, we’re going to concentrate on several things: 

  1. Setting goals, which tremendously lowers anxiety and provides focus
  2. Practicing affirmations, which begins the process of brainwashing your mind in a concentrated, positive way
  3. Looking at stories of courage so you can appreciate that anyone can be courageous, including YOU!


Scroll down and let’s begin….

Setting Goals

Why do we set goals? Obviously, to achieve a desired result. But the by-product of that is that our success in realizing a goal leads to building confidence, self-esteem, and happiness. We need to achieve goals in order to be mentally healthy. Continual achieving of goals leads to that ability to “act like you’ve been there before” in your quiet, humble, successes. Also, by focusing on your goals, every day, you limit the time you waste mental energy on worrying. Setting goals leads to action and only with action do dreams come true; without action, it’s just a daydream.

The whole key to achieving a goal is to start! You can’t eat an elephant all at one meal; you have to take one bite at a time. That’s what the CloudsClear Goal Tracker does: it forces you to take one easy step after another. And, with continual action, you’ll see your goal realized. You won’t believe you did it, but you did. Every time. You can purchase the Goal Tracker on this website.

Now click on the tutorial and learn how to focus your life in a way that you wouldn’t have been able to imagine before. This system is fool proof!

How to Use Your Goal Tracker

Purchase a Goal Tracker


Everyone’s heard of affirmations. They serve an incredibly useful purpose. Let’s be clear what an affirmation is. It’s a statement that you frequently say to yourself, affirming something positive for your betterment. 

Affirmations work. How? Because you’re brainwashing yourself. You are training your brain to adopt the outcome you wish by repetition of the affirming statement. We usually think of that in a negative sense, like being indoctrinated into a cult.

However, affirmations are positive statements. You literally are reprogramming your brain so that you experience wish fulfillment. We know that when you think the worst, lots of times that actually happens. A “self-fulfilling prophecy” is the euphemism we give to it. Again, that’s the negative connotation. We’re going to use affirmations positively. If you/your brain tells you something enough times, you believe it right? Like, “I’m fat” or “I’m a loser.” Say those things enough and assuredly you will be fat; you will be a loser.

We’re going to trick the brain and incorporate positive affirmations on our warrior’s path. Not only do you become as you act, but you become what you think. So saying a positive thought, over and over, generally creates a positive outcome. This website will give you updated affirmations.  Say these to yourself at least once a day; however, there’s no limit to how often you should affirm something. The more, the better. Here’s one…

“I fear no person, I fear no situation. I fear no evil for thou art with me. I will have no worry, anger, guilt, or jealousy. Stress, tension, and anxiety flow out of my body. Worry, fear, and anxiety are washed away by hope, faith, and love.”

“I fear no person, I fear no situation. I fear no evil for thou art with me. I will have no worry, anger, guilt, or jealousy. Stress, tension, and anxiety flow out of my body. Worry, fear, and anxiety are washed away by hope, faith, and love.”

Stories of Courage

Reading or listening to other people’s stories of courage make us realize that we, too, can be courageous. This is one such story. Ajla (pronounced EYE-luh) and her family emigrated to the United States in 1998. But her story is much more complicated than that. Americans, even those who were adults during the time of the Bosnian Civil War, don’t know a fraction of the gory details, the atrocities that took place in the early 1990’s, especially the murderous cruelty of the Serbs against Bosnian Muslims.

Ajla, her parents, and her older brother, escaped the carnage and fled from their picture-postcard hometown of Bosanski Novi in northwest Bosnia in 1991 when Ajla was 2 ½. As Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks), they would have been targeted for unspeakable cruelty.

Her family first went to Germany, where none of the family spoke German, and had to live temporarily in a German refugee camp. Then, after beginning to acclimate to the German culture and language, Ajla’s family left again in 1998 for the opportunities that America might offer. Ajla was 9. Her parents chose to settle in St. Louis, which has the largest population of Bosnians outside of Bosnia.

Ajla and her family knew no English when they arrived in the States. Ajla began second grade at an American school without knowing how to speak to her teacher or her classmates. But within a short time during that first school year in this country, Ajla’s mastery of English allowed her to be the translator between her parents and the people her parents depended on, like doctors. She was a child thrust into adult responsibilities. At the same time that her nine-year old friends were consumed with such important things as what toys they had, Ajla had to grow up fast.

Ajla didn’t ask to be thrown into the situation she found herself in. What little girl asks for something like that? But there she was, rising to the occasion, overcoming fear and helping to alleviate the fear of her family in a foreign place. Now Ajla is a respected attorney in St. Louis with American and Bosnian clients.

Read on to see how you can submit a story of courage…

Submit a Story of Courage

We want to hear about your story of courage (or of someone you know) for possible posting on this website. Please scroll down and, if you are interested, complete the fillable submission form.

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